Friday, December 5, 2008

task 1

Hello everyone,

One of my lesson that went very well is while I teaching Linear Equation Form 2. That the difficult topic especially for weak student, who dont like this subject. So, I have to find very easier and simply to make them understand. This is what I done:

For example:
1. Find the value of y + 3 = 5

Minus both side with -3

y + 3 = 5
- 3 = -3
y = 2

2. Find the value of x – 4 = 7

add both side with 4

x - 4 = 7
+ 4 = + 4
x = 11

It more better if we can present by colourful card or like game. I got this idea from my ex-student who just came from USA. And then, I surfed internet to find out this method. My student like it a lot but the problem is, this method only can solve a simple equation, not a difficult equation like 2x + 4 = 7. But at least, they know the concept. So maybe, your guy have a better idea to improve that.


  1. Salam Aidza,

    I am so happy to finally see the entry from one of our members! Well done Aidza :)

    The example you gave was quite interesting and to be frank, I have not been taught to use that 'formula' when I was in school! So you said that you've got the idea from one of your students who just came back from US? That's impressive, don't you think so?

    Your entry was titled Task 1. Does it mean that this will be followed by the Task 2 entry soon? I really hope so :)

    Ok, others .. any ideas or response to Aidza's?

  2. Aidza,

    I supposed that you have good and close relationships with your students.. so that they are willing to share their own experience with you!

    Tell us how did you teach your students the other equations (more complex ones)? Is there any special method applied? Have you tried any CDs?
