Friday, December 19, 2008


Task 1:

One of my that went very well is the topic 'sets'. I teach this topic to the form two students. I used to teach them with a picture which shown a few kinds of animals in the jungle.

a. The ideas for this lessons came from 'mycd' which is the cd inside their textbook, there
have many activities and interesting questions that can attract students.

b. This lesson needs students to identify the ratio. Like example, they are asked to identify the
ratio between bears to tigers from the picture shown. So they need to count how many bears
and tigers are there in the picture. Let say we have two bears and four tigers, the answer in
the form of ratio in mathematics will be 2 : 4 or in the form of sentence 2 bears to four tigers.

c. I think this lesson is very successful for me because with the good and understanding
introduction can help the students know better what is the concept of 'sets'.

d. This is what i learnt from my experience, if you want your students understand and master
the skill, then you should present a good introduction before you go into the topic.

e. If i want to improve this lesson, i will ask them to surf the internet because there are so
many questions and activities about the topic or sometimes i will find and photocopy the
activities from the internet to the students.

f. I have been shared this experience with my friends.

Task 2:

One of the topic that is very challenging for me is the topic 'circles'.

a. The ideas for this lesson came from the internet and mostly i explain it with my own idea.
Like example find the area and circumference of circles, some of the students could not
differentiate and how to use the formula.

b. This topic is quiet difference from others topic because the questions come out in the PMR is

c. -.

d. The experience that i learnt from this lesson is the students have to do a lot of questions and
we can also shown the real model so that they can understand better.

e. If i want to improve this lesson, i will ask from some experience teachers for their opinion
how to explain the area and circumference of circles for students better understanding.

f. No.