Friday, December 26, 2008


Hi guys, sorry for the delay. Eventhough it is school holidays but I find that I am busier than how I used to be in my working days. Alright, coming back to the main aim of the blog, the sharing session. I have a problem in the topic sets, for me I find that this topic is easy to understand but my weaker students always get confused especially when they are required to shade the region involving union and intersection of sets. Can someone suggest to me, how I can teach better to help my weaker students.


  1. Hi Komathi,
    Thanks for your entry!

    It seems that you are having problems to teach the sets topic. Anyone with a better ideas on how to teach this topic that you want to share with Komathi?

  2. Hi,..
    sorry komathi, i have no idea coz im teaching lower form..and not maths backgraound teacher..but maybe i'will ask my senior teacher. If she has a good idea i will tell u..ok.

  3. Teaching weak students is always a challenge but the interesting thing is that they are the ones that motivate us to be better teachers. Don't you think so?

  4. Hi Komathi,

    is there any teaching aids that you use during the lesson? or perhaps you could give some examples that are closely related to them as to trigger their understanding about what union and intersection means, or what makes them differ... just mt thought :)
