Sunday, January 11, 2009

What do you think of this solution?

Well, I was discussing to my colleagues back in school about my problem in making the weaker students understand intersection and union. A senior collegue told me instead of using the shading method to mark the area of intersection or union, she suggested to use the 'tick' method which I believe is less messy and clearer.


  1. Hi .. it seems that you have shared your problem with someone else. So Komathi .. have you tried it out? Did it work?

  2. hai... Alin baru lagi kat blog ni... ternampak ur problem... kalau alin, masa ajar intersection+union, alin lebih suka numbering section. lebih senang dan insyallah tak salah. Alin belajar dari kak Hasniza... thx...

  3. hi Alin, htanks for your response :)
    boleh Alin terangkan sedikit bagaimana caranya ajar pelajar guna number section? mungkin boleh bagi sedikit ilustrasi atau penerangan?

  4. Hi Azlin,
    I baca your explanation on sets but not so clear, can you explain further.Thanks
